The “coin of the realm” for schools is academic achievement. How can an ABA provider provide his/her services for challenging behaviors if the program does not “fit” in the academic achievement definition identified by school districts? What happens when academic achievement is defined differently for the General Education (Gen Ed) sector in comparison to the Special Education (SPED) sector and the culture of each of these sectors are vastly different? Behavior Analysts find themselves in a conundrum in providing services in the school setting with all of these different variables.
Special Learning, Inc with Problem Behaviors in School Settings subject matter expert, Dr. Ronnie Detrich, dived in and discussed the unique cultural features of public schools in both Gen Ed and SPED sectors. Uncovered the key constraints in providing ABA services to students requiring an FBA and behavioral interventions so the school can meet the individualized needs of the student to remain in the school system (including IDEA).
This 2-hour webinar addressed the misunderstanding of Behavior services in the school system, community tolerance of students with maladaptive behaviors and the tools to appropriately provide ABA services in the school setting vs clinic-based services. During this webinar, case scenarios were presented of effective behavior analysis in schools, and participants were encouraged to submit questions and received real-time answers from the experts.
Date: Wednesday, April 8th, 2020
Expert Presenter:
CE Eligibility:
2 QABA General CEU
2 BACB Learning CEU
Learning Objectives and Outcomes:
- Discriminate between General Education and Special Education definition of academic achievement.
- Identify the culture, norms, and attitudes of General Education and Special Education.
- List the constraints in working with educators in the school system when providing ABA services
- Identify ethical considerations when providing ABA services for students with problematic behaviors (i.e. availability of fiscal resources, personnel, etc.)
- Describe the difference between behavioral interventions and environmental constraints when providing behavioral services in a clinic-based vs school-based setting
- Develop a systematic approach when working in schools from the FBA to developing the Behavior Intervention Plan that will be successful for the student in the school setting.
Each purchase corresponds to 1 user license/access. Only the user assigned to a subscription will be able to participate in the lives, receive the recorded version and obtain CEUs from the webinars.
Access to the recorded version is valid for 1 month.
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