Reminder: You NEED to watch the entire video before you take the quiz. This is REQUIRED for your Continuing Education Units to be accepted by the Certification Board.
Lesson Presentation
Learning Objectives & Outcomes:
- Describe a framework that can be realistically implemented in the “new normal” of virtual education to troubleshoot barriers that arise due to the nature of tele-treatment.
- Discriminate between the “typical” educational environment and the home environment for remote education.
- Describe the different behavioral interventions and strategies available when providing behavioral services in non-school-based settings (i.e. remote education).
- Identify ethical considerations when providing ABA services for students with problematic behaviors (i.e. availability of fiscal resources, personnel, compliant virtual platforms for confidentiality etc.) -and now for remote education.
- Identify roles and responsibilities between school and insurance-based providers in schools and homes.
- List the constraints in working with educators in the school system when providing ABA services- and now for remote education
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